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Open item Settlement for exact match.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi All,

We have requirement in our project to clear the exact match first ahead of the oldest due debt.

To elaborate on the requirement, please have a look at the following example.

1st Invoice -$100 Due date-1/11/2010

2nd Invoice-$250 Due date-1/12/2010

Customer makes a payment of $250 on 10/12/2010.

As per our requirement, It should clear the 2nd Invoice first, as it gets an exact match and not the oldest debt due.

However, if the customer makes a payment of say $300, then it does not find any exact match and hence will clear the oldest due first.In this case,the 1st invoice.

In the clearing Step under the clearing variant , we have tried to use the Amount rule as '0'-Clearing only possible when amounts are same.....but it is not working as per our requirement.

Can any one of you give any thoughts on the issue?




0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

you requirement is difficult.

I recommend you in the first clearing steps to check the total balance: 1. GPART, 2. VKONT , 3. GPART (only due items),

4. VKONT (only due items), if applicable 5. Summarization groups/line items (that could be interesting, if you use the GRKEY in invoicing) and amount rule 4, 5, 6 or 7 in all steps.

Whats not possible with standard clearing control: in case of overpayment, to post a clearing and the remaining amount to

clarification account. The standard post the remaining amount as paymant on account to contract account.

Best regards.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Check if FQEVENT 110 will be useful for your purpose.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

We have a similar requirement as yours on clearing the line item with amount match. Did you find a solution? if so, can you share it with me?

Best regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi - tried this config, and I cleared an open item based on exact amount, that was due later that 2 other items. See below.

Ivor Martin

Clearing Var. ZEX Exact matching test

Clearing Step 1 Exact match on amount

Char. Grpng rule Sort charact. Rank Sort

1. 013 Open Amount Without In 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Amount Rule 0

Clearing rule Paymt rem. var. ZEX / 2

End of assgmt

/ 0

Clearing Step 2 Oldest due date

Char. Grpng rule Sort charact. Rank Sor

1. 015 Contract Account 1. 010 Due date

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Amount Rule

Clearing rule Paymt rem. var. / 0

End of assgmt 9

/ 0