2016 Feb 12 5:08 AM
Hi Experts,
I have a scenario called "Vigilance" (Theft billing) : Assessment of Energy Charges in Case of Unauthorized Use /Theft of Electricity we have to bill as per the Supply code.If the
1. If Utility Customer already Existing Customer in our SAP system:
The Assessing Officer shall determine the number of days during which the unauthorized use of electricity has taken place after proper scrutiny and analysis of the inspection done, data collected in monthly meter reading, data stored in the meter, date of purchase and installation of appliances found during inspection, and any other relevant factors.
The Assessing officer has first to ascertain the period if the period during which such unauthorized use of electricity has taken place can not be ascertained by the assessing officer even after the consideration of the above, such period shall be limited to 12 (twelve ) months immediately preceding the date of inspection, and in that case the Assessing officer has to give clear and reasoned order for using the period of twelve months and the explanation as to why the period could not be ascertained.
What i am trying to say here for Existing Consumers we have a option in FPE1 Manual posting for Debit transaction, against we can take money from him in FPCJ/FP05/FP25 etc.,
2nd case treatment same as above but the Consumer not our existing Consumer, he is Out side of SAP system.
Here i need to post manual entry like earlier, is there any Provision in SAP ISU FICA?
If the consumer not agreed with Assessing officer what ever he coded in terms of Money, he can approach to Court again Compounding Charges comes into Picture.
How to over come 2nd CASE, without Master data with me ?
2016 Feb 12 1:48 PM
For any posting, you need a business partner and contract account. You could post to generic contract account but this will create nightmare for collections or reporting. I would suggest that you still create business master data for each of the scenario 2 where you create new business partner/account for each of these people. You can then view their outstanding receivables individually. You could categorize the accounts or partners to differentiate them from others - using CA category, or other field.
2016 Feb 12 12:53 PM
Hi Abbas,
There is Standard ISU functionality to have one-time contarct accounts created by flagging the contract account category.
Go to the following SPRO Config-
SPRO-->Financial Accounting-->Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable-->Basic Functions-->Contract Accounts-->Number Ranges and Contract Account Categories-->Configure Contract Acct Categories and Assign Number Ranges
Check for the column One (TFK002A-CPD) against the contarct account category.
Hope it helps.
2016 Feb 12 1:48 PM
For any posting, you need a business partner and contract account. You could post to generic contract account but this will create nightmare for collections or reporting. I would suggest that you still create business master data for each of the scenario 2 where you create new business partner/account for each of these people. You can then view their outstanding receivables individually. You could categorize the accounts or partners to differentiate them from others - using CA category, or other field.
2016 Feb 14 2:37 AM
Thank you both of you for giving me guidance on this,
If it is one time activity Amlan's Solution acceptable.Ex: In SAP Vehicle Registration point of time In and Out can use.
In My case even though if he is a one-time customer, but he may approach to Court, in some cases have to maintain his data long time until court settlement and that too diff.. customers for diff treatment based on the theft usage (Master data also may require).So now i am trying to use Existing BP and CA for this , bcz theft cases very rare in a year.
2016 Feb 15 3:00 PM
Hi Abbas,
If you have to create the master data for these customers, I would rather suggest you to have a suspense BP created for the same.
Under this Suspense BP, you can create the Contarct Accounts, with a seperate Contarct Account category or number range so that it can beidentfied by naked eye.
And then you can post the charges against these customers.
This data model will ensure that all the accounts are collated under one BP and will be managable from a reporting prespective.
Hope it helps...