2017 Jul 27 4:51 PM
Hi Experts,
Honestly, I cannot find a perfect answer for this one. I need to configure two different number ranges for the ISU devices/Serial Number of the while creating Device(s) through IQ01.
For 3 phase device categ, Meter the Number Range should be like 999001 to 999999.
For 1 phase device categ, Meter the Number Range should be like 444001 to 444444.
Kindly let me know where the Configuration needs to be done in IMG.
2017 Aug 02 2:28 PM
Hi Ricky,
in IS-U there is no customizing configuration for your requirement. In general the serial number is an external number for each device, it is an external number assignment and not internal number assignment. Base for the internal number assignment is database MASE.
But you can use the standard enhancement IQSM0001 (Automatic serial number assignment) in transaction SMOD to control the number assignment. This enhancement is called in goods movement transaction, e.g. MIGO.
Regards, Lahdo
2017 Aug 07 4:43 AM
Hi, when there is NO goods movement or stock transfer that
standard enhancement IQSM0001 will NOT work..
2017 Aug 07 4:59 AM
I mean we don't have GM/Stock transfer involved scenarios & hence that standard enhancement IQSM0001 wont work.