2014 Mar 14 8:35 AM
Hi everyone.
Im struggling with the Note to Payee configuration in FI-CA but it doesnt give any results so far. I would like to ask you if you have some configuration guide or at least some guidelines that I could follow to successfully set it up.
Our client wants the note to payee to consist of 3 numbers: bill number - contract account - month_year (for example: 10006722-2024472-314) as the regulations in our country allow only numbers and dashes to be in that field. Total field length is 22 characters (again, only numbers and dashes).
Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestions or materials.
2016 Jan 07 1:52 PM
In case anyone comes to the same issue: my solution for this was to enable Classification key (under Prepared enhancement). This gave me classification key in FI-CA documents. The contents of the field can be generated in event R429 during invoicing, which is exactly what I needed. With custom function module Im filling this field with the upper form: invoice number - contract account - month_year. Then, in the note to payee interpretation rules Im having rule which has selection category Classification key. Im following the same principle in the clearing rules. Combining these options gave the solution to the issue.
2016 Jan 07 1:52 PM
In case anyone comes to the same issue: my solution for this was to enable Classification key (under Prepared enhancement). This gave me classification key in FI-CA documents. The contents of the field can be generated in event R429 during invoicing, which is exactly what I needed. With custom function module Im filling this field with the upper form: invoice number - contract account - month_year. Then, in the note to payee interpretation rules Im having rule which has selection category Classification key. Im following the same principle in the clearing rules. Combining these options gave the solution to the issue.