2013 Jul 02 10:58 AM
Hi All ,
Error : I am trying to post a payment with reference to Q key for document item but system is not able to determine the document number where Transaction ID is stored ) .
Kindly suggest me the additional fields in document item level for storing the Text .
For example : we have a field in document header level XBLNR and in payment lot reference document number Z .
Requirment in details :
For preapid scenario IS-T Recharge / Refill (customer pays first then Top up happens and customer balance get increased ).
Let say customer has done the mobile phone recharge of Rs 100 through credit card . after successfull reacharge Transaction Id get generated by Bill desk and customer account balance get incerased .
BITS get generated in convergent invocing and open item document get created in Contact account level of Rs 100 RS .
I am storing Trnsaction ID at document level in additional refence object field ( Please suggest the aditional field for storing the Transaction in document item level) Please see the screen shot attached .Here i have stored the Transtion Id in system but not included in screen shot .
For clearing the open item in contract account we are getting the payment files from Bill desk ( which will not contain Customer account / BP /CA or Prepaid account)
sample file structure : It will contain the transaction which I am storing at item level .
Transtion Id ( TSTLot1234 )
Amount (100 RS)
Day ,
location ,
*******1234 ( last 4 digit of the credit card ) .
Posting the payment through payment lot .
I am using 'Q' key for document item and wants to determine from the Trnsation Id the document number / contract account .
But I am not able to clear the open item as system is not able to find the reference document number .
can you please sugest the field for storing the Transaction ID in document item level .
2013 Jul 02 7:14 PM
Selection category Q maps to field OPKEY. If that is your field, then you should be fine. If you are using something else, then you need to create a new selection category and assign the field to which it should map. See this message for details http://scn.sap.com/thread/3379855
2013 Jul 02 7:14 PM
Selection category Q maps to field OPKEY. If that is your field, then you should be fine. If you are using something else, then you need to create a new selection category and assign the field to which it should map. See this message for details http://scn.sap.com/thread/3379855
2013 Jul 03 11:47 AM
Hello Bill ,
Thanks for your quick response .
I am trying to post throught payment lot but system not able to find the open item using the new selection category . Pls let me know your views
Screen shot for the process & new configuration mentioned below :
I have created the new selection category 'W' Field (ADD_REFOBJ) Additional reference object for storing the Transtion ID in document Item level .
This field is same as the transtion Id stored at the document level in IS-T .
I am storing transtion
I am storing the transation Id at item level : ABCDEF in document number .
FQevents : FKK_sample_210
Payment lot posting using new selection category .
2013 Jul 03 3:16 PM
The error indicates some missing customizing which is unrelated to the new selection category. Follow the provided navigation, enter the proper accounting and then try again.