2013 Jun 13 7:59 PM
When i process returns through return lot (FP09) i am getting the below error so i checked the configuration for returns and cfreditworthiness then everything is right but this below error is coming.
please give best suggestions to solve this issue
Error: No returns activities determined for reason
Message no. >B501
No returns activities could be determined.
The most common reason for this message is a missing entry for creditworthiness = 0000 in Customizing
2013 Jun 13 8:30 PM
This message only occurs because the configuration is incomplete. You should check again the settings for your return reason.
Is it assigned to the right company codes?
2013 Jun 13 8:30 PM
This message only occurs because the configuration is incomplete. You should check again the settings for your return reason.
Is it assigned to the right company codes?
2013 Jun 14 7:05 AM
Hi Wiliam,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
expert is always expert i.e william.