2012 Feb 01 10:45 AM
Hi Experts,
I am relatively new to SAP ISU.can anyone please suggest me a method of how to finf the number of meters in a given MRU.
2012 Feb 01 1:03 PM
Hi dear
SAP ISU DM module MRU basically contain group of installation that contain meter related detail , through insatllation you can find technical data of meter .
2012 Feb 01 1:03 PM
Hi dear
SAP ISU DM module MRU basically contain group of installation that contain meter related detail , through insatllation you can find technical data of meter .
2012 Feb 01 1:25 PM
Hello ,
I did like to have a link between tables through which I can get all the meters that correspond to the specific MRU.
2012 Feb 01 7:45 PM
Something like that should do the trick:
tables: eanlh.
types: begin of typ_ableinh,
ableinh type ableinheit,
count_anl type i,
count_log type i,
count_equ type i,
end of typ_ableinh.
types: typ_ableinh_tab type hashed table of typ_ableinh
with unique key ableinh.
select-options: p_mru for eanlh-ableinh.
data: gt_ableinh type typ_ableinh_tab.
select t1~ableinh count( distinct t1~anlage ) count( distinct t2~logiknr )
count( distinct t3~equnr )
into table gt_ableinh
from eanlh as t1
join eastl as t2
on t2~anlage = t1~anlage
join egerh as t3
on t3~logiknr = t2~logiknr
where t1~ableinh in p_mru
and t1~bis >= sy-datum
and t1~ab <= sy-datum
and t2~bis >= sy-datum
and t2~ab <= sy-datum
and t3~bis >= sy-datum
and t3~ab <= sy-datum
group by t1~ableinh.
The internal table GT_ABLEINH contains for today:
Meter Reading Unit
Count of installations
Count of logical meters
Count of physical meters
WIthout putting too much thought into it, I would expect the last two counts to be the same.
If you want the result for another day than today's date, replace SY-DATUM.
2012 Feb 02 10:54 AM