2011 Jan 19 10:01 PM
I am trying to bill a newly installed gas meter. i am getting below error while doing EASIBI
Dev. 988100000049413 reg. 001 per. 09.10.2007-31.12.2007: No MR result marking end of billing period
Billing or simulation cannot be processed because there are not enough meter reading results. In this case, a meter reading result is missing that marks the end of the period to be billed or simulated.
Can anyone guide me through this? since i am very new to functional process of ISU Billing.
Help is much appreciated.
2011 Jan 19 10:16 PM
Hi rahul
Did you enter a read as part of the EASIBI process? Is there a plausible reading posted with MR date of 31.12.2007.
Are you familiar with the tabs within the BIlling Periods window of the installation, there's a lot of info there about Billing Orders, MROs and Meter Reads. It's a good place to start analyzing possible issues.
2011 Jan 19 10:16 PM
Hi rahul
Did you enter a read as part of the EASIBI process? Is there a plausible reading posted with MR date of 31.12.2007.
Are you familiar with the tabs within the BIlling Periods window of the installation, there's a lot of info there about Billing Orders, MROs and Meter Reads. It's a good place to start analyzing possible issues.
2011 Jan 20 11:31 AM
Hi Astrid,
Here is what i have done,
1) From an exisiting valid contract, i have done a full removal of device 988100000049413 and installed a new device TEST_GP3.
2) Created MR Order using EL28, done a estimate and saved it.
3) When i check in Manual monitoring the status shows as Billable.
4) When i do a EASIBI with date taken as the MR date it throws the error.
I have also checked the implausible readings using the transaction provided, but there are no records for it.
Thanks again.
2011 Jan 24 9:44 AM
Hi Rahul,
You missed a meter reading on 31.12.2007 or before.
I guess , u missed the meter reading on 31.12.2007. and try to enter the meter reading for that period.
Then it bills succesfully.
2011 Jan 19 10:29 PM
As Astrid said, It seems Your meter read order/billing order are created but MR is not recorded or its recorded as implausible.
To make it billable you have to correct/released this for billing (using tc-ode EL27)