2015 Aug 11 1:37 PM
Hi everyone.
Im running into "No automatic clearing possible" issue when I have payment on account (transaction 0060/0010) item and manualy created item (transaction 0300/002x) and when I try to clear them via FPMA t-code. The clearing works when I manualy do it via t-code FP06.
I have searched over SCN and found various solutions, but none of those works. What I have tried so far and what I have configured is:
* open item management
- clearing variant with clearing steps that include grouping by contract account and due date; I have several steps, and the last one defines partial clearing
- clearing category is defined and assignet to contract account
- clearing type 03 does not have "Incoming Pymts" option checked (although its the same wether its checked or not)
- defaults for account maintenance are defined for clearing types 03 and 04; they both have assigned the clearing variant
* automatic clearing
- grouping characterists are defined (contract account and due date)
- grouping variant consits only of one characteristic - contract account
- specifications for automatic clearing are defined for 03 and 04 and they both point to the only gruping variant thats defined
When I create the mentioned scenario (I have one item with transaction 0060/0010 on the account and I create another item via FPE1 with transaction 0300/002x), I can run FP06, select both items and clear them. When I do the same via FPMA (I limit the selections to contract account; no other custom selections are done), and run it, I get message: "No automatic clearing possible" (message no >3859).
I have checked for all clearing locks and no clearing lock is set to any of those two items.
As an addition, all other clearings work nicely (clearing when payment comes, manual clearing, partial clearing, ...).
Does anyone sees what am I missing here?
Thanks in advance!
2015 Aug 11 2:28 PM
you mention that grouping characteristics of account and due date are defined. I would expect that using due date will run into problems since it would only group items that have the same due date. Only a sorting variant by due date would be appropriate.
2015 Aug 11 2:28 PM
you mention that grouping characteristics of account and due date are defined. I would expect that using due date will run into problems since it would only group items that have the same due date. Only a sorting variant by due date would be appropriate.
2015 Aug 11 2:38 PM
Hi Bill.
Thanks for the tip. I removed the due date from grouping, as you suggested. I ran FPMA again and I got the same message as before.
2015 Aug 11 2:47 PM
marko - provide some screenshots of your variant. And the variant is determined properly? e.g. the clearing category on the account maps to the variant for both FPMA and FP06. Also, in FP06, do you have to choose the items or are they chosen or you? If you choose them, then Fp06 is not working either...
2015 Aug 11 7:24 PM
Hi Bill.
When I run FP06, the items are not selected, I need to select them myself. But, once I select them, the clearing works as expected.
Here are the screenshots. First Open item management:
- I didnt change grouping and sorting features and I dont use any amount checking groups
- Im using clearing variant 6 which consists of several steps, as shown:
- I have only one clearing category, Z1
- Clearing type 03 is defined by default, without "Incoming payment" option checked:
- defaults for account maintenance are as follows (sub options such as Alternative Clearing Variants and Selection Criteria are not defined):
And then the automatic clearing:
- Grouping characteristics:
- then, there is only one Grouping Variant with reference to only Z15 - Contract account:
- Specifications for Automatic clearing ae showing the following (alternative grouping is not set):
Hope this helps in determining whats missing.
2015 Aug 11 9:22 PM
i see now what you mean with grouping - but that is for payment run not for account maintenance. The grouping would be controlled within the clearing variant 006 at each step. I do not believe that this would ever be used in clearing processes.
2015 Aug 11 9:26 PM
Excellent, in that case theres one less thing to check. The clearing variant 006 works fine (I tested several scenarios combining FPE1/FP05). But, it still doesnt resolve why the clearing does not get triggered in FPMA when theres payment on account (0060/0010).
2015 Aug 11 9:45 PM
So FPMA and FP06 use variant 006 based on your configuration. Step 50 might not be set up so as to enable your scenario though. There it should only use contract account as a grouping criteria (and i would assume criteria 015,not Z15).
2015 Aug 12 9:16 AM
Hi Bill.
Following your hints, I have reduced everything down to a single step (70 - Partial clearing) and found a strange behaviour. My documents are as follows (screenshot from FPL9):
I have one posting to account, the amount is 40 (in my scenario: its leftover from last months overpayment). And I have one bill that consists of four items, which is this months bill (yes, everything is in 2014 so I can easier keep track; in my scenario: its the current/next months bill), the amount is 60.
I would like to partialy clear the bill, proportionaly distributing the available amount to bill items (in this case, each of the four items would be cleared with 10).
My clearing variant now consists only of one step, and that step has the following settings:
I have grouped the items by contract account only, sorted them by due date (although I can remove that aswell, for determining the issue) and I chose Clearing rule 1, as I want to equaly distribute the clearing amount over the items within a group when it comes to a partial clearing (what here is the case).
Now, with these settings, I get the mentioned error "No automatic clearing possible".
But, when I remove the "Clearing rule" options (and leave it blank), automatic clearing becomes possible, but, of course, it does not proportionaly distribute amount over items, but clears first two items completly and the third one partialy:
Then, I have restored all of my clearing variant steps, and it all comes to this one single option: Clearing rule. If I remove the "1" from the last step, FPMA clearing works. If I enter "1", i get the "No automatic clearing possible" message.
Hope this gives some ideas. Thanks in advance.
2015 Aug 12 1:04 PM
I think that the system will not perform as you are looking for. Proportional clearing can really only work with incoming payments. For account maintenance, the items are selected differently. Maybe you can try test this by making a new incoming payment for this account. Additionally, you really should not use the same variant for payments and account maintenance scenarios due to differences between the two processes.
2015 Aug 12 1:40 PM
Hi Bill.
Thanks for comments. I did two variants: one for account maintenance and the other one for incoming payments. When I post a new incoming payment (via FP05), the incoming payment item is proportionaly distributed among 4 open items and part of each is cleared. The posting on account (0060/0010) is intact (still open, not used in clearing).
Can I then conclude the following:
- it is not possible to use proportional partial clearing with account maintenance via FPMA
- payment on account can not be cleared partialy as proportional clearing
2015 Aug 18 4:23 PM
You might also test using grouping criteria 030 as a second criteria. I think that this does enable proportional clearing with account maintenance transactions.
2015 Aug 21 12:48 PM
This did the trick! Thanks a lot!
I have also tested various grouping in combination with grouping criteria 030, and they can be combined (for example: 015 - 030 - 018).