2011 Dec 22 1:04 PM
Hello all,
I need to add a new fields to the selection screen of transaction EL70, like installation for example.
could you please tell me how to this.
I will appreciate any help.
Thank you...
2011 Dec 22 10:10 PM
Hi Hussam,
There is no user exit on EL70 selection screen. Therefore, in order to add new selection there, you can ask ABAP to copy program RELCORRLIST to ZRELCORRLIST program and transaction EL70 to ZEL70. Then you can modify Z program to add any selection screen you like.
2011 Dec 25 7:39 AM
Thank you Chaiphon for the information.
I want to ask if there is a way to add new fields to the standard transaction EL70 by customizing.
2011 Dec 25 4:48 PM
As Chaiphon mentioned, there is not a way to do that via standard customizing.