2012 Jan 29 8:32 PM
When invoicing billing document with negative amount I get an error: 'The existing billing documents cannot be invoiced' message error EB074.
What kind of changing should I do in order to invoicing negative amount? Is it a Subtransaction kind of problem or something else.
Thanks in advance,
2012 Jan 31 6:27 AM
This error message does not explain that the amount is negative.
This message comes from function module ISU_INV_UNIT_CHECK_BUILD for Creation of invoicing unit (print document).
You should check the contracts (EVER-GEMFAKT) belonging to the contract account for which you are creating the print document (invoice). If you have more contracts under one CA with GEMFAKT = 1 you can not prepare invoice only for one contract / one billing document separately. In this case you get this error message.