2011 Jul 29 10:38 AM
There is requirement in code where I have contract account and I want to find howmany contracts of this CA are final billed and invoiced.
From ERDK, I can find the final invoice but how to decide that which contracts are included in this final invoice.
is it possible that contract does not have "03" type final bill but has "06" manual bill and final invoice is created on CA with these bills!?
Also help me understand the concepts. Suppose CA has 2 joint contracts, one is active and once is moved out. When System gets final read of contract-2. It will generate final bill.
Now the invoice that gets created on CA is called "final invoice" or not (as it will include final bill of contract-2) ??
Or it is not called final invoice (as it will include periodic bill of contract-1) ??
2011 Jul 29 11:04 AM
In order to find out the contracts for a given CA you need to hit table EVER with the given condition:
FAKTURIERT not equals to blank and AUSZDAT not equals to blank.
Let us know if you still need any help.
2011 Jul 29 11:31 AM
Thanks for the reply.
Yes that flag is useful for final invoiced
Do you have inputs for query written above regarding final bill doc and manual bill doc in final invoice?
2011 Jul 29 11:49 AM
As per my knowledge billing transaction "06" is created for the final bill order at the time of move out and thus when you bill that order and later invoice this billing transaction progressively moves on to the print doc and stored in ERDK.
So it is not possible that a manual bill will be considered as final bill based on which the final invoice will be generated. Although I have not experienced such scenario.