2013 Dec 10 3:16 PM
Hi Experts,
In SPRO we have configured late payment charges. Charges are getting calculated and posted correctly. But there is small thing that we need to change
When we execute FP09 transaction for returns, it is posting return document and returns fee document of same type that we specify in the the FP09 screen.
We want to have different document type for returns fee. In SPRO I am not able to see any relevant config that will allow me to specify document type for returns fee.
If anyone of you have come accross similar scenario or have any idea on this please share your thoughts.
2013 Dec 12 12:39 AM
Hi Suhas,
I don't think its possible through Standard Configuration.
However check event 0290.This event enable you to change or add items in the returns document.
The items of the returns document that were created to reverse the payment are transferred.
These are bank charges posted as expense items, charges receivables debited to the customer, and relevant revenues and taxes
Hope it helps