2011 Jan 14 3:22 PM
Hi All,
There is a requirement to hold all reads received from Customer/ Meter Reader etc even they these are received on the same day for e.g. schedule read could be received in the morning, followed by customer read through internet and then another customer read through IVR system.
Can we store multiple reads on the same day?
If a read goes into implausible and then it's corrected, implausible read is replaced by corrected read. Is there any way to store old implausible read?
Thanks in advance.
2011 Jan 14 7:03 PM
Hi Sanjeev,
Yes it is possible to have meter reads on same day. You need to consider Meter Reading time along with meter reading date.
Also, you need to have rules over Meter Read Reason.
All the best.
2011 Jan 15 11:06 AM
Hi Avinash,
Many thanks for your reply.
Is there any special procedure / config / exit for maintaining the reads with time stamp?
If I have multiple reads with different time stamp on the same day then will I be able to bill multiple times on the same day?
Any help /guidance will be much appreciated.
2011 Jan 15 3:39 PM
Hi Sanjeev,
No special procedures...
While uploading meter reads, ensure you update meter reading time.
As mentioned earlier, just handle meter reading reasons rule properly. You cannot have multiple reads with meter read reason 01. You can have multiple meter readings with reasons like 09, 02 etc.
2011 Jan 27 2:32 PM
2011 Jan 28 1:49 PM
Just to add to above or to refine....
You can have multiple reads for reasons which are not relevant to billing.
In the above case, even for reason 02 you can not store 2 reads. Since 02 - relevant to billing.
2011 Feb 02 10:46 AM
I entered meter reading for a device for a particular date with Meter Reading Reason 09 using transaction EL28. Now when I am trying to enter another reading on same date with same reason via EL28, it gives me a message saying 'Meter Reading already axists with same Reading Reason'.
Same is the case when I am doing the process with Read Reason 02.
1. So my question is can we enter multiple reads to the Meter on a single day with same meter read reason?
2. Are there any configurations to be done to allow multiple meter readings on a single day?
Rishi Mirwani
2011 Feb 02 11:29 AM
Your questions answered below:
1. So my question is can we enter multiple reads to the Meter on a single day with same meter read reason? - Yes when we have MR reason which is not relevant to billing. In your case its 09 which is nonrelevant and you should be able to enter multiple reads with different time.
Make sure you supply time also when you are submitting your read. However there is a restriction of what level you can enter multiple MRs since SAP stores read at Minute level so you can not post 2 reads in same minute.
2. Are there any configurations to be done to allow multiple meter readings on a single day? - Not sure but standard SAP should allow you to save multiple MRs with the above rules.