2014 Jan 07 5:35 PM
Created multilpe forms through Tran EFRM and tested through Tra FPCJ for printing cash desk.
Now I want to maintain only one form in list box, but I will see multiple forms in list box.
Please let me how to clear list box.
2014 Jan 08 6:03 AM
Hi Rana,
I don't know whether it caters to your requirement or not.
You can maintain a form value against the parameter ID FOM in the parameters against your SAP User ID through SU01.
Hope it helps...
2014 Jan 08 6:55 AM
Hi ,
I think you need to maintain your desired form in path CA /AR/AP--Basic function --correspondence --define application forms for correspondence ---against correspondence type 0043 -Receipt for Mixed Payments, maintain the application form you have defined in EFRM for it to be used in FPCJ.