2011 Jul 18 9:45 PM
We have a batch file which will come from an external payment processor. The payments contained in the file can come from several different company codes and business areas. We want to create a payment lot or payment lots from the file.
Do we need to create a separate payment lot for each company code / business area combination? Or can one payment lot contain payments from multiple company codes and business areas?
I know the company code and business area are in the header, so it would seem to me that we need separate lots for each combination. But it was suggested that the company code and business area of the header does not matter - only the values on the items in DFKKZP are important. Is that correct?
James C.
2011 Jul 20 3:21 PM
One lot can contain payments for any company code or business area. You will need to define some configuration for cross company clearing - posting area 0030 i think - which will enable the adjustment postings between the header company and the item company.
2011 Jul 20 3:21 PM
One lot can contain payments for any company code or business area. You will need to define some configuration for cross company clearing - posting area 0030 i think - which will enable the adjustment postings between the header company and the item company.
2011 Jul 20 5:48 PM
Thank you for your response, I am pretty sure that answers my question directly. Cross company clearing sounds like something we may want to avoid so we may want to create separate lots for the various company code and business area combinations anyway.