2016 Aug 25 7:24 AM
I am having this scenario related to Device Management.
There is a premise (office premises preferably) where the client has:-
1. LeD lights with Single Phase connection.
2. AC with 3 phase connection
The client will be getting a month end bill with 0.5% Discount for LeD connection & INR 2/unit additional for 3 phase AC connection.
Pls advise from the DM point of view how to map this in the system.
1. Do we need to install 2 different Meters for single & 3 phase connections
2. Do we need to do FULL installations for the both.
2016 Aug 25 11:31 AM
Hi Aditya,
As your requirement says -
1st of all we should be capturing consumptions of both (LeD lights & AC) the equipment separately at actual- premise level.
Now we can achieve billing requirement with one device with two registers but since device configuration are different (Single phase & 3 phase ) so we should go for two devices with different rate types for an installation.
2016 Aug 26 10:29 AM
Noted Manoj.
So do we need to go for 2 separate Installations i.e. 2 separate Full Installations for both the devices.
Pls advise.
2016 Aug 26 2:16 PM
The data model can support either approach. You should analyze both approaches to determine the one most appropriate for your business requirements. 1 installation would be beneficial if both devices are always billed together. 2 installations could be used if they are billed separately.