2017 Oct 23 7:31 PM
Area: SAP ISU Billing
Hi all, kindly assist me if possible.
For some of the installation (not all), meter reading results for prior periods are getting deleted from ISU Table: EABLG and EABL after move out. Once the final reads RR:03 are posted and the customer is moved out, the Periodic reads of a prior period is getting deleted somehow.
Please assist. Thanks in advance
2017 Oct 23 7:48 PM
What type of (removed) MeterReadings are we talking here? Are they Informative / Estimations? (*)
See SAP-KBA 1738555 "Move-out reversal change meter reading for reading reason 03 to 09" :
Extract :
"This is standard functionality and the intention is to ensure that 'real' meter readings are retained and not automatically reversed during the Move In/Out reversal or change process. If there is a 'real' MR result for a device, we prefer not to delete it because it provides us with more accurate information that can be used for extrapolation purposes. So if we have a real result we do not delete it automatically, we only change the MR reason. However please note,that in the case of an estimated meter reading, it will be deleted." (*)
So I'm not saying this is your case, but the KBA offers some info on Customizing and UserExits that could help you (together with an ABAP'er) to figure out what settings have been applied ...
Hope this helps
Nic T.
2018 Jan 12 8:37 PM