2011 Feb 18 5:46 AM
We facing the problem of MR automatically deleted from EABL table once MR are entered through EL28.(but EABLG entry still exist)
Following steps we followed:
1. Create MRO at EL01.-u2018Internal ID for meter reading documentu2019 ABLBELNR is generated and tables EABL and EABLG are updated with the MRO entries
2. Upload MR Results at EL28 - On saving the meter reading results at EL28 the entries at EABL are being deleted (i.e. Meter reading).
Thanks in advance..
2011 Feb 20 8:18 PM
Are you entering the reading for the same reason / date? There are suppression rules which are applied if you enter readings near others.
For instance, a final reading is a higher priority than a periodic reading, & will suppress it.
2011 Feb 21 5:51 AM
Thanks Daniel for reply.
But this not the case here. one more strange thing which I noticed there are only meter reading with 06 and 21 MR reasons are available in EABL. But in EABLG all the entries are available
Can you through some light on it why this is happening.
2011 May 02 9:26 PM
Iu2019m experiencing the same thing in our test environment. Our production and training environments are working fine but in our test environment the MROs are automatically deleted from EABL as soon as a meter reading entry is saved using EL28 - Single Entry.
2011 May 04 11:43 AM
Hi Scott,
This is mainly due to selection criteria issue (default entries) in table EABL.
If you go SE16 for EABL table there might be some default entries of "00.00" for fileld like MR time, actual MR time etc, this is causing that. It is actually wrong selection criteria in SE16, for that selection criteria there is no entry.
If you check in SE16n you might see the entries also..
2011 Jul 19 5:20 AM
I am trying to change thase defult values in table EABL. So i need the user exit used for it.
Anybody tell me which user exit is used there?