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Moved-out contracts without a meterreading

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

The business on my current project wants a report that displays all moved-out contract that doesn't have a final meter reading.

Is it possible to make querry for this in IS-U with SQVI or would it be better to make this report in BI or make a custom program?

If it's possible to make it in IS-U with SQVI how would you do it?

Kind regards

R.L. Groener


Former Member
0 Kudos


Following flow could be used:

1. Table - EVER - Field - AUSZDAT LT sy-datum or any other date as per requireemnt. (This move out date field and you will get all the move out dat contracts here).

2. Table - EVER - Field - ANLAGE get the installation for all the above records from tabel EVER (You will have thi in the baove query itself)

3. TABLE - EABLG - Use the above installation in this table

Put additional condition on meter read reason field - ABLESGR for move out read or any other such reason (this will get the contract for which meter read has come)

Above can be done using SQVI.

And i guess a report would be better for getting the list of contract for which move out read has not come, as we might need to filter out the contracts from the above select query from the whole list of move out contracts..



0 Kudos


You can use EL31 and run the report for MRO give the MR reason in the query.

