2011 Apr 01 10:44 AM
Hi experts,
While i am dng move in i am getting following Error:
" table TE490E is not maintained , Key"
could anybody please gve the solution for this.
thanks in advance
energy saver
2011 Apr 01 4:52 PM
To resolve this, You need to define the control parameter(s) for move-in at the move-in document level.
SPRO path -
SAP Utilities> Customer Service> Process Execution> Move-In/Out> Move-In> Define Move-In Control Parameters at Document Level
2011 Apr 03 5:48 PM
2016 Jul 27 9:35 AM
Hi Expert,
I have successfully Defined Control parameters at Document Level & Its replicated at table TE490E.
But Still I am getting the same error :While i am dng move in
" table TE490E is not maintained , Key"
could anyone please gve the solution for this.
thanks in advance.
2020 Jun 08 5:03 PM
Even I am getting the same error on move in , was there any solution identified ?
already maintained below config : SAP Utilities> Customer Service> Process Execution> Move-In/Out> Move-In> Define Move-In Control Parameters at Document Level
2020 Jun 25 6:50 PM
did you maintain an entry with empty key?
Documentation says:
"If an entry is maintained with an empty key, this is always used if no entry is found for the company code relevant to processing, or if no relevant company code can be determined.
The latter is always the case if no default value can be determined for the company code from the various contracts to be created or changed during creation of a move-in."