2009 Nov 18 10:06 AM
Dear experts,
When I try to make a move-in, I get the following error:
Table TE490EV is not maintained, key
Message no. E9022
You have specified a table entry that is not maintained/maintained
System Response
The system cannot carry out the requested processing/function.
Maintain or create the specified entry (key value).
Please help to resolve...
2009 Nov 18 10:20 AM
hi vinodh
basically its a cust error
go to spro
sap util--customer service-process execution-movein -define move incontrol parameters at contract lvele and maintain the settings for ur company code
r copy it fromexisting company code
the error wil be solved
2009 Nov 18 10:20 AM
hi vinodh
basically its a cust error
go to spro
sap util--customer service-process execution-movein -define move incontrol parameters at contract lvele and maintain the settings for ur company code
r copy it fromexisting company code
the error wil be solved
2009 Nov 18 10:31 AM
some tips
always try to maintain the value through SM30 by giving the table displayed in the error u wil get that table to be maintained
also u can go to se11 and see the short description "Move-In Control: Contract Level"
copy it and go to spro and ctrl f and paste it and find it
mostly u wil find the way of the link to be maintained
sometimes the short description itself wuil clearly show u whats need to be mainted..in this case
Move-In Control: Contract Level...so u can clearly judge its in spro with same name
tats how it works
2009 Nov 18 12:03 PM
Dear Varadaraj,
Thanks for ur prompt reply.
I tried various combinations at the SPRO setting "Define Move-in control parameters at Contract level" like selecting and de-selecting AT & NM Checkboxes. But the problem still remains.
Edited by: vinodh kumar on Nov 18, 2009 5:34 PM
2009 Nov 18 12:20 PM
2009 Nov 18 12:46 PM
Dear Vardaraj,
Done as per ur reply, but still not successful. May be problem is elsewhere...
Thanks & regards,
2009 Nov 19 4:53 AM
Hi vinod
did u maintain the setting for the company code u r using????
also check for the soltuions in sap.service under notes
2009 Nov 19 5:28 AM
Dear Vardaraj,
The company code settings have been maintained. Can u be more specific on which settings?
With thanks & regards,
2011 Oct 20 7:04 AM
Dear all,
Find out the Company Code, Billing class and division you have used in your Installation and Contract Account. Now go to
SPRO>SAP Utilities> Customer Service>Process Execution>Move-in/out > Define Move-in control parameters at contract level.
Create a new entry for the combination of Company code, billing class and division you have used. This will solve the problem.
Please reward points if this is helpful. Thank you