2011 Oct 06 11:42 AM
Hi experts,
I want to know is it mandatory to have move-in and move-out billing?
2011 Oct 06 3:40 PM
Hi Vidya,
You will be entering some final meter reads right after customer moved-out and you need to bill them right .
2011 Oct 06 3:40 PM
Hi Vidya,
You will be entering some final meter reads right after customer moved-out and you need to bill them right .
2011 Oct 06 4:35 PM
I dont have any Final Reading while doing move out.
Actually it is virtual meter used in transmission lines to calculate the supplier demand charges.
Its interval meter and reading are taken every half hour. Also they dont have a process to do final billing but reconcillation is done at the end of financial year.
2011 Oct 07 6:05 AM
If this is an Interval Meter read every half an hour then only Billing Order will be created for Final Bill. Profile values should be maintained till Move-out Date to final bill the customer. (No Meter Read Orders will be created for Interval Meters)
Thanks and Regards,
Ranjit Thakur.
2011 Oct 07 10:14 AM
Hi Ranjit,
I know this but wanted to know if it is mandatory to do final billing during Move out?
2011 Oct 11 9:52 AM
If you do not want to have a final bill then that final bill order will remain open and whenever you try to move in another customer on that installation and try to bill that customer then it will ask you to bill the last final bill order.
Now rest is upto you. If you need furhter help please let us know.