2011 Jun 23 5:14 AM
Hi Experts,
I have a SELECT query in a Program which is hitting 6 DB tables by means of 5 inner joins.
The outcome is that the program takes an exceptionally long time to execute, the SELECT statement being the main time consumer.
Need your expertise on how to split the Query without affecting functionality -
The Query :
SELECT fkkvkpgpart eablablbelnr eabladat eablistablart
FROM eabl
INNER JOIN eablg ON eablgablbelnr = eablablbelnr
INNER JOIN egerh ON egerhequnr = eablequnr
INNER JOIN eastl ON eastllogiknr = egerhlogiknr
INNER JOIN ever ON everanlage = eastlanlage
INNER JOIN fkkvkp ON fkkvkpvkont = evervkonto
WHERE eabl~adat GT [date which is (sy-datum - 3 years)]
Thanks in advance,
2011 Jun 23 7:43 AM
You need to break your select query. You need values from EABL and business partner name. You can use read statements with binary search to get business partner name.
Select queries could be:
*Get values from EABL
SELECT ablbelnr adat istablart equnr
FROM eabl
into table itab
WHERE adat GT date
*To fetch logical device number from equipment
IF NOT itab is initial.
SELECT equnr logiknr
into table it_egerh
for all entries in itab
where equnr = itab-equnr and bis GE sy-datum and ab LE sy-datum.
*To fetch installation from logical device number
IF it_egerh is not initial.
SELECT anlage logiknr
from eastl
into table it_eastl
for all entries in it_egerh
where logiknr = it_egerh-logiknr and bis GE sy-datum and ab LE sy-datum.
*To Fetch contract account from installation
IF it_eastl is not initial.
SELECT vertrag anlage vkonto
from ever
into table it_ever
for all entries in it_eastl
where anlage = it_eastl-anlage.
*To Fetch Business PArtner from Contract Account
IF it_ever is not initial.
select vkont gpart
from fkkvkp
into table it_fkkvkp
for all entries in it_ever
where vkont = it_ever-vkonto.
2011 Jun 23 9:06 AM
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for your reply.
Can you tell how I can get the four fields that I need - gpart, ablbelnr, adat and istablart into one table from the above SELECT queries?
Thanks and Regards,
2011 Jun 23 9:35 AM
Hi Prajakt,
I guess you can loop and use modify statement.
Sort it_egerh by equnr.
sort it_eastl by logiknr.
sort it_ever by anlage.
sort it_fkkvkp by vkont.
LOOP at itab into ls_tab.
lv_tabix = sy-tabix.
Read table it_egerh into ls_egerh with key equnr = itab-equnr binary search.
if sy-subrc = 0.
read table it_eastl into ls_eastl with key logkinr = ls_egerh-logiknr binary search.
if sy-subrc = 0.
read table it_ever into ls_ever with key anlage = ls_eastl-anlage binary search.
if sy-subrc = 0.
read table it_fkkvkp into ls_fkkvkp with key vkont = ls_ever-vkonto binary search.
if sy-subrc = 0.
ls_tab-gpart = ls_fkkvkp-gpart.
modify itab from ls_tab index lv_tabix.
PS - Please check the syntaxs... I just wrote them as free text.
2011 Jun 23 11:36 PM
Hi Prajakt
There are a couple of issues with the code provided by Aviansh:
1) Higher Memory consumption by extensive use of internal tables (possible shortdump TSV_NEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED)
2) In many instances multiple SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES... are not faster than a single JOIN statement
3) In the given code the timeslices tables are limited to records active of today, which is not the same as your select (taking into account that you select for the last three years you probably want historical meter/installation relationships as well*)
4) Use of sorted/hashed internal tables instead of standard ones could also improve the runtime (in case you stick to all the internal tables)
Did you create an index on EABL including columns MANDT, ADAT?
Did you check the execution plan of your original JOIN Select statement?
You should review your selection, because you probably want business partner that was linked to the meter reading at the time of ADAT, while your select doesn't take the specific Contract / Device Installation of the time of ADAT into account.
Example your meter reading is from 16.02.2010
Meter 00001 was in Installation 3000001 between 01.02.2010 and 23.08.2010
Meter 00002 was in Installation 3000001 between 24.08.2010 and 31.12.9999
Installation 3000001 was linked to Account 4000001 between 01.01.2010 and 23.01.2011
Installation 3000001 was linked to Account 4000002 between 24.01.2010 and 31.12.9999
This means with your select returns four lines and you probably want only one.
To achieve that you have to limit all timeslices to the date of EABL-ADAT (selects from EGERH, EASTL, EVER).
Coming back to point one and the memory consumption:
What are you planning to do with the output of the select statment?
Did you get a shortdump TSV_NEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED with three years meter reading history?
Or did you never run on production like volumes yet?
Dependent on this you might want to redesign your program anyway.
Edited by: sattlerj on Jun 24, 2011 10:38 AM
2011 Jul 14 8:08 AM
U can break your select query and instead of inner join use SELECT .......FOR ALL ENTRIES......
THIS WILL work and it will take less execution time