2014 Feb 13 1:51 PM
There is a requirement in our project to handle the mixed prime and sub cases in IS-U i.e. Prime Meter can be a DM (Daily Metered) and sub can be a non daily meter or the vice versa.
SAP IS-U handles this via Register Relationship or Installation Groups where Prime and Sub both are of same type but not sure in mixed cases.
If you have some pointers on these, can you please let me know ?
Many Thanks,
2014 Feb 13 3:29 PM
Hi SJ,
Use Installation grouping
Since reads are not in sysnc for main & Sub meter use Dynamic period control. Do billing of Sub then main installation. In future you will get actual read for sub meter bill will be auto corrected based on actual read.
2014 Feb 13 4:44 PM
Hi Manoj,
Thanks for your reply, however I was reading the PDF on Installation Group taken from service market place and there it does not talk about this very explicitly, Do you have any documentation or links which might be useful?