2013 Apr 03 2:17 PM
Is there any way to migrate technical device installation (EG42) in the future?
It's is possible to autorise it for the device info records with heklp of the customizing table TE100 and value EG42DEVICF. But for the devices it seems to be hardcoded:
Include LEG42F04
Line 1490
IF ( p_obj-contr-keydate > sy-datum
AND p_obj-contr-virtual_dev <> co_flag_marked )
OR ( p_obj-contr-keydate > sy-datum
AND future_change_allowed <> co_flag_marked ).
PERFORM close_objekt CHANGING p_obj.
mac_msg_putx co_msg_error '001' co_message_id
space space space space invalid.
* Pseudomeldung für Verwendungsnachweis
IF 1 = 2. MESSAGE e001(en). ENDIF.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
2013 May 03 9:17 AM
FYI, we'll implement an enhancement in the form CHECK_KEYDATE_CHANGE (include LEG42F04) in order to bypass this check if the program/transaction in the one we use for the migration.