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Meter Roll Over Scenario and Overflow Check

0 Kudos


Is there capability in the SAP system to identify a meter roll over scenario and not mark it implausible for overflow (validation 15)

For example, If I have a 4 dial meter -

Current Read: 9995

Next Read: 0005 (There has been a consumption of 10 units which is expected and acceptable based on system parameters.)

However, SAP still marks it as implausible as current read is less than previous read.

We need to have a check for current read being less than previous read but not for cases where it is expected the meter would roll over.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

If the meter is configured with 4 dials, overflow scenarios are catered for out of the box for the example you mention.

0 Kudos

Thanks for your reply Daniel. Can you clarify how this is catered?

Currently, if I have a scenario where the meter is expected to roll over, the system still marks the read as implausible with validation 15.

0 Kudos

You have applied 15 to a validation class, this simply checks whether the current meter reading is lower than the previous meter reading.

Update the configuration at SAP Utilities --> Device Management --> Meter Reading --> Validations --> Independent Validations if you do not want 15 applied to reading checks.

use Absolute / Relative tolerance to detect overflow, without invalidating normal roll over events.

Also, upgrade 4 dial metering 😉

0 Kudos

Hi Monis,

Try debugging EL28 by adding following Breakpoints.

EL28-->Go To-->SUB_VALID, INP_VALCHK. You should be able to understand exact bahaviour of each validation.
