2011 Jun 03 12:51 PM
Dear Experts,
While doing the meter Replace ment i am triggering the fillwoing msgs..
!) gas procedure is not valid
2)Rate data is no longer consistant.
any one have idea of for what reason i am triggering this..
2011 Jun 03 3:10 PM
During device replacement, the new and old device configuration should be exactly same. Please check that the gas procedure and other parameteres for both the devices are same.
Also check that the gas procedure is maintained correctly in the following path:
SPRO-> SAP Utilities ->Contract Billing-> Special Functions ->Gas Billing ->Define Gas Procedure
Check which rate type , fact group you have assigned for the device. There should be a rate determination between the rate category assigned at installation and rate type assigned at device/register level.
Hope this helps.
2011 Jun 03 3:10 PM
During device replacement, the new and old device configuration should be exactly same. Please check that the gas procedure and other parameteres for both the devices are same.
Also check that the gas procedure is maintained correctly in the following path:
SPRO-> SAP Utilities ->Contract Billing-> Special Functions ->Gas Billing ->Define Gas Procedure
Check which rate type , fact group you have assigned for the device. There should be a rate determination between the rate category assigned at installation and rate type assigned at device/register level.
Hope this helps.
2011 Jun 03 4:35 PM
As Nirmalya stated, check configuration values for both old and new device. If they are matching then you can use device replacement transaction.
However, if your old and new device configurations are not matching, then you need to use device removal transaction for old device and install new device explicitly.
Please let us know if you need any further information.
2011 Jun 04 7:24 AM
Hi Nirmalya & avinsah,
thanks for that valuable info, iam going through it, but i would like to know how to find the no of devices under one device cat?
2011 Jun 04 12:35 PM
Nirmalya, ididnt found rate type and fact group option for new device in iq03 txr, could you please tell me in where i can found, ?
and i observed for the both old and new device config data is same, still its triggering error,
in instalation , under device data i can see the old device information, like rate type and fact group.
can u please help me.
2011 Jun 04 7:08 PM
1. You can find all devices with device category by using transaction IQ09. Alternatively, you can find them in table EQUI for devices and table EGERR table for device info records.
2. For the device replacement, please check if old and new device have same register group.
2011 Jun 06 5:20 AM
Hi ,
Both the old and new device config was same. still its triggering the same error, where i can find the rate type and fact group for new device? conz it was not installed yet.
and in my error long text it says..
"specified gas procedure "abc" which does not fit the technical description of the register and is therefore not allowed.
" adjust the volume correction factor procedure accordingly"
any idea y this error is trigerring.
thanks in advance,
2011 Jun 06 8:32 AM
Request you to check "Inclusion of factor in thermal gas billing" value in register group in old and new device.
2011 Jun 06 9:19 AM
Hi avinash,
thx for reply, i checked "Inclusion of factor in thermal gas billing" for both the device are same. it was maintained as "00"(register includes no thermal gas factors). and for both the devices the register group is same.
please go through the following error long text:
You specified gas procedure "abcd" which does not fit the technical description of the register and is therefore not allowed.
The nominal load and the measured pressure of the register must lie within in the ranges defined in the Volume correction factor procedure . moreover the accounting for the factors for thermal gas billing thermal gas bill in valume ocrrection factor procedure must agree with those in the register.
in this case the following values deviate from the values in the volume correction factor procedure.
nominal load : 0.0000
you have the following options:
1) adjust the volume correction factor procedure accordingly
2) choose a permissible gas procedure
but in my volume correction factor procedure the values are maintained like following:
Nominal load : From: 0.1000 to : 30.0000
Measure pressure : from 0.0010 to 5.0000
i am not able to understand that y in error msg the nominal load was showing 0.0000
Can you please gve an idea y its triggering.
2011 Jun 06 11:14 AM
Nominal load is getting picked from device category. I think you have maintained 0.0000 as nominal load in your device category for new device. This nominal value does not match with what we have maintained in corresponding gas procedure.
Request you to check values and let us know if it works.
2011 Jun 06 11:57 AM
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for reply, yes in dev cat it was maintained 0.0000 , now i am clear. once i get clear with this i will let you know.
once again thx for u r time,
2011 Jun 07 5:53 AM
Just curious to know if we could able to solve nominal load issue during meter replacement. Thanks in advance.
2011 Jun 07 6:18 AM
Hi avinash,
Thanks for that, i dont have auth to change that, i informed to concerned person, till now i didn't get any resp.
i guess 100% it will solve .coz it was the prob with dev cat. once it get done i will let u knw, and i will close this also.
2011 Jun 07 7:37 AM
Hi avinsah,
It was cleared. now it was replaced successfully.
thanks for all your support. i am closing this issue.