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Meter Reading

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

How to post the Actual Meter reading date , ( taken by Meter reader) in print work bench.

from EABL table there is a filed for actual mr date,. but as per my req, i need to show the current actual MR and previous actual MR. in final bill form to customer.

can anyone have the idea please share me,



Former Member
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Hi ,

For normal single customers, we use the form class IS_U_BI_BILL to create the customised application form by using transaction code EFRM in print workbench.

If you look at the nodes of the above form class, there is a form level DOC_ITEM whose structure type is ERDZ . When we print any bill document through transaction EA40 or EA60 , then SAP automatically fills all the node levels with the available data from the database for that document.Now all the billing relevant line items for that print document gets filled up in the work area WA_DOC_ITEM one by one.

Now for your query, meter reading related data gets populated only in those WA_DOC_ITEM whose line item type(BELZART field) is IQUANT. In only those particular line items , we can get the following records:

1. WA_DOC_ITEM-I_ZWSTNDAB - current meter reading

2. WA_DOC_ITEM-I_ZWSTVOR - previous meter reading

The actual meter reading date is populated in the field : WA_ABLESEBEL-ADATTATS

Hope it helps you in some way.



0 Kudos

Hi jagajit,

Thank you for your reply, but i want the meter reading dates, not the meter reading,

could you please expalin in detail.

it would be more helpfull to me.


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You can use FM ISU_O_METERREAD_OPEN to get all the meter readings by passing the installation number in X_ANLAGE, X_SELECT2 = 2, X_NO_DIALOG = 1 and X_WMODE = 1 and you will get the meter readings in Y_OBJ- IEABL structure.

You can use the field ADATTATS of IEABL structure to get the actual meter reading date.

The billing document will have the bill start date and end date in the DOC_ITEM structure in AB and BIS field respectively. You can take the minimum AB and highest BIS to get the bill period start and end date. Match those fields (AB and BIS) with IEABL-ADAT field from structure Y_OBJ of FM ISU_O_METERREAD_OPEN . Please note that the current bill period start date will be 1 day after of the last meter reading date. So you need to subtract 1 from current bill period start date to know the last meter reading date which is relevant for billng. Take the correspnding actual meter reading dates (ADATTATS) of those meter readings relevant to last meter reading date and current meter reading date of the current bill document and display it on the bill.

Please use the above FM ISU_O_METERREAD_OPEN in the application form's code and display the actual meter reading date as explained above.

Hope it will help.



Former Member
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You can use FM ISU_O_METERREAD_OPEN to get all the meter readings by passing the installation number in X_ANLAGE, X_SELECT2 = 2, X_NO_DIALOG = 1 and X_WMODE = 1 and you will get the meter readings in Y_OBJ- IEABL structure.

You can use the field ADATTATS of IEABL structure to get the actual meter reading date.

The billing document will have the bill start date and end date in the DOC_ITEM structure in AB and BIS field respectively. You can take the minimum AB and highest BIS to get the bill period start and end date. Match those fields (AB and BIS) with IEABL-ADAT field from structure Y_OBJ of FM ISU_O_METERREAD_OPEN . Please note that the current bill period start date will be 1 day after of the last meter reading date. So you need to subtract 1 from current bill period start date to know the last meter reading date which is relevant for billng. Take the correspnding actual meter reading dates (ADATTATS) of those meter readings relevant to last meter reading date and current meter reading date of the current bill document and display it on the bill.

Please use the above FM ISU_O_METERREAD_OPEN in the application form's code and display the actual meter reading date as explained above.

Hope it will help.



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Thank you nirmalya.