2011 Jul 07 3:53 PM
In some scenarios, where the installation has witnessed multiple MoveIns /MoveOuts, some of the MRs have the the MR status as '7' OR Billed.
Now this is not the actual status saved in the database but the status displayed at runtime (In ES32, EL27 etc).
Generally the rule for determining that a MR is in status Billed is that if there is one Bill doc chronologically after the MR, the MR status would be Billed. However, if no such Bill doc is found, and the MR is older than the oldest MO date for the installation, then too the MR status becomes Billed.
My question is, can we reverse the MROs for those MRs that fall in the second category of Billed MRs?
Thanks and Regards,
2011 Jul 07 4:08 PM
Hi Ravi,
We cannot reverse meter readings which they are covered in a given billing period where invoice was generated.
2011 Jul 07 4:14 PM
Hi Avinash,
I agree.
But what if you reverse the invoices?
But I'm fine with that.
My question was on the MRs being prior to the MO date.
Thanks and Regards,
2011 Jul 07 4:22 PM
Hi Ravi,
Yes, you can reverse once meter reading status is not equal to 7. So, if your are reverse final invoice at MO, then you can can reverse reads prior to that.
Please let me know if I misunderstood your requirement (If yes, can you give us an example?)
2011 Jul 11 3:40 PM
Hi Avinash,
We're fine when the MR status is Not 7.
Our scenarios is to bill the period wherein the MR has status = 7.
Now generally this does not make sense as an MR with a status 7 indicates that the customer has been billed for that period. But, the criterion by which the status 7 is set are :
1. There is a bill doc for the period
2. The MR date is older than the oldest MO for that customer.
Our is scenario # 2.
In this case, we've reversed the invoice and hence the customer is technically not billed for that duration but since the validation says that the MR status will be put to 7 if it is older than the oldest MO, we are not able to bill the customer.
I hope this explains the situation.
2011 Jul 14 1:04 PM
Hi Ravi,
Can you please let us know what is the exact message/problem you are getting at the time of billing?
As you have mentioned in your first post that for scenario # 2, the status 7 is getting generated at run time and that is not the actual status of the MR then ideally system should not restrict you from billing as it will check the billable bill order from table EABL with MR status billable i.e. 1.
2011 Jul 14 3:20 PM
Hi Ravi,
As you said that the MR status shows as billable, then i would suggest you to check if the it billled togather with latter billing period. Also the check if the MR is active.