2015 Oct 16 5:58 AM
Hi Experts,
We have a situation where the meter reading is not seen on installation and EL31.
There are 4 registers out of which only register 2 is billable.
After it is billed , there are changes done on other 3 registers' meter readings.
The meter reading date is changed to 00.00.0000 in EL29. Also the meter reading status is changed to '0'.
After these changes , we do not see meter reading for register 2 in EL31 and on installation.
However we could not replicate the same on quality.
Is it possible to change the meter reading date to 00.00.0000 and meter reading status to 0 in EL29? How can it be done ?
2015 Oct 20 7:12 PM
Hi Nachiket,
In EL29 , Meter Reading Date & Meter Read status cannot be changed, Its in display mode.
In EL27, Meter Reading Date can be changed but not the Meter Read Status(display mode).
If you are seeing changes to date and status after billing , this is definitely cause of custom developments. Please check the code.
If you are on EHP6+ system, you can check table EABLDEL if the meter read document is deleted.
Hope this helps.
2015 Oct 20 10:00 PM
I haven't double checked the circumstances, but additional to Rakeshs comments, if a meter reading document is inactive (eabl-activ = 0) then the results can be modified even with in a billed period.
worth reviewing your situation to see if thats true.
2015 Nov 16 10:18 AM
We are using EHP6+ system. However EABLDEL table does not contain any entries. How do we activate this ?
2015 Nov 16 12:13 PM
Hi Felix,
Table EABLDEL is used only with the Quantity Determination Reading functionality released as part of EHP 6.0.
You can go through the following SAP help link for the more information on the same.
Utilities, Quantity Determination - Utilities - SAP Library
2015 Nov 17 4:45 AM
Thank you Amlan. That means we cannot use these tables, if Quantity Determination functionality is not activated.
2015 Nov 17 10:20 AM
2015 Nov 20 4:20 AM
Thank you Amlan.
Wonder why these tables are not populated by default for MRO reversals. Or there could have been a config for the same to activate it.
2015 Nov 20 8:32 AM
Hello Felix, the new function with table EABDEL is released with EHP6 (QD=Quantity Determination). In EHP6 the business function ISU_QD1 is necessary. In EHP7 the business function ISU_AMI_4 and ISU_MCOMM4 is necessary.
Kind regards
2015 Nov 20 9:11 AM
Hello Nachiket,
I don't suggest to implement the mentioned change (field ADAT 00.00.0000 ) because the SAP system doesn't know the date 00.00.0000 and it also doesn't expect such value. You can adapt the field ABLSTAT with several enhancements (EDMLELDE or EDMLELDV) in the transaction EL29. But the mentioned field ABLSTAT is not designed to overwrite directly in EL29.
Kind regards
Thomas Sommer