2013 Jun 06 12:12 PM
Issue with WBS element:
While transporting the Reconciliation Key 130502-001 we are getting an error. Like
Message no. BP604: Item 005 WBS element O/5D12R00018-01 budget exceeded
In document item 005 WBS element O/5D12R00018-01, budget for WBS element
O/5D12R00018 for fiscal year 2013 was exceeded by 84,981.00 INR.
Please find the screen short in attachment.
For this issue I have updated new WBS Element O/5D13R00018-01 for SPS business area, which is created for 2013 fiscal year by PS team.
So, I have updated the new WBS element in below Path
SPRO-Img-Financial Accounting New-Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable- Basic Functions- Postings and Documents- Document- Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings- Define CO Account Assignment Keys
For SPS business area only.
SPRO-Img-Financial Accounting New-Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable- Basic Functions- Postings and Documents- Document- Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings-Store CO Account Determination Key for IS-U Contracts
After making above changes I have saved it and transported to quality sever.
But after transporting to quality severs for Store CO Account Determination Key for IS-U Contracts the WBS Element is not updating properly it is updating some old WBS element instead of O/5D13R00018-01.
Note: And I checked that new WBS element is created and released in Quality Server
Please guide me how to overcome this issue ASAP.
Thanks in advance
2013 Jun 07 3:46 AM
Hi Srinivas,
The configuration that you have maintained is not sufficient.
Normally, when you post a non-statistical FI-CA document, it takes the combination of GL Account and the Co Account assignment (Profit Center, Cost Center, WBS element) for the particular main\sub from transaction code EK02.
So, you need to go to T.code EK02 and find out all the combinations of main\sub, where you have maintained the WBS element, O/5D13R00018-01 and then replace it with the new one for each of the combination.
Once done, you save and transport to your Quality server.
Then try to post a FI-CA document and you will find the new WBS coming in the reconciliation key.
Hope it helps...
2013 Jun 07 3:46 AM
Hi Srinivas,
The configuration that you have maintained is not sufficient.
Normally, when you post a non-statistical FI-CA document, it takes the combination of GL Account and the Co Account assignment (Profit Center, Cost Center, WBS element) for the particular main\sub from transaction code EK02.
So, you need to go to T.code EK02 and find out all the combinations of main\sub, where you have maintained the WBS element, O/5D13R00018-01 and then replace it with the new one for each of the combination.
Once done, you save and transport to your Quality server.
Then try to post a FI-CA document and you will find the new WBS coming in the reconciliation key.
Hope it helps...
2013 Jun 07 5:47 AM
Hello Amlan,
Thanks for your reply....
The problem is not related to posting. As I mentioned.. Based on my customization (mentioned above) I am able to posting the FICA a document. And able to transport the Recon Key (FPG1) and it is updating correct GL account with new WBS element.
But the problem is when i transported the TR with new WBS assignment settings to quality server the new WBS element is not reflection in Store CO Account Determination Key for IS-U Contracts screen.
Note: with help of Basis team i got the authorization to make changes in quality server directly for testing purpose only. And i done same changes which I have done in development sever and posted same scenario with new WBS element. So there is no problem in customization I think.
But while transporting the TR the new WBS element is not updating in Store CO Account Determination Key for IS-U Contracts screen.
Please advise…
Thanks in advance.
2013 Jun 07 6:24 AM
Hello Folks,
I tried below scenario also.
I deleted the WBS element in Store CO Account Determination Key for IS-U Contracts screen in dev server and generate the TR and transported to Quality. In Quality the TR is deleting the WBS element successfully.
Again I have assigned new WBS element in Dev. server and generated the TR and transported to Quality but in quality the new WBS is not updated more over the old (2012)WBS element was updated instead of new WBS element.
Please help me.
2013 Jun 07 6:40 AM
Hi Sri,
I assume some issue with the TR then.
You can check in the cluster maintenance data of the TR through SE09 to check whether the view table VC_TECOK is included or not.
If you further drill down, you will find the value of the WBS element in the table TECOK being maintained in the TR.
Hope it helps...
2013 Jun 07 6:44 AM
Hello Amlan,
I have checked data containing in the TR through SE09 in dev.server the new WBS element is available in that particular TR.