2011 Jun 22 12:00 PM
Hi ,
I have configured the Maximum Repalcement Value Procedures and assigned the same to Repalcement value procedures.But it is functioning properly during the bapi upload.
At the same time the minimumu RVP,linear RVP etc is working fine.
Through the EDM1,the Maximum RVP is working fine.Can any one suggest the solution.
2011 Jun 22 12:42 PM
Hi Santosh,
Request you to explain us what is not working? RVP during BAPI upload?
2011 Jun 23 7:48 AM
I have configured the Maximum Repalcement Value Procedures and assigned the same to Repalcement value procedures.But it is not functioning properly during the bapi upload.
At the same time the minimumu RVP,linear RVP etc is working fine.
Through the EDM1,the Maximum RVP is working fine.Can any one suggest the solution.
2011 Jun 23 8:02 AM
Hi Santosh,
Can you check logs in ST22, may be Max. value RVP function module is not working in background mode. Also, I am hoping that you are calling Commit Work after BAPI function module call.