2016 Jun 29 4:15 PM
Hello Colleagues,
We're system testing using Mass Dunning by Collection Strategy.
Approximately 10-15% of the Contract Accounts are not being Dunned. These Accounts are not triggering Steps associated with Capacity Balancing.
Has anyone else encountered this situation? Is there a Buffering setting that needs to be tweaked?
Any feedback will be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
2016 Jun 29 5:03 PM
There are many possible reasons: rules not designed to capture all accounts where some are falling thru (which is expected since not all accounts should dun every day); interval settings from previous steps; enforcement workitems, logic in events.
You need to analyze each incidence and determine the cause at the micro level.
2016 Jun 29 6:26 PM
Hi Bill,
Thanks for your response. The same Accounts that were bypassed in mass Dunning can be Dunned individually (or in small groups) with the same Issue Date.
This happened about 6-8 weeks back, and now it's happening again.
2016 Jun 29 10:35 PM
In that case, check all of your custom functions and procedure calls for variables which are not cleared/set correctly. Parallel execution works differently than mass single thread.