2012 Jun 05 7:21 PM
Dear Gurus
While I am doing manual transaction through FPE1 Vat payable a/c and Add.vat payable a/c I used main/sub 6100/0011, 6100/0053 and 6100/0054, these are stored in DFKKOP table. Automatic Vat payable and Add.vat payable a/c stored in DBERDL table. Why its stored different tables, as per my requirement both should be in Same bale (DBERDL) how can I configure like that.
Ex: If I go to se 16 table DBERDL Print doc with Main and sub execution I can get output with all the main and sub transactions except 6100/xxxx combination why? Why this combination stored in DFKKOP table?
Can I update all the values in single table DDERDL pritn doc table?
2012 Jun 06 2:34 AM
Hi Shaik Abash,
Have you checked table DBERDLB ? Because all print document line item will be strored in different tables not in single the table. Please find the below tables for print document line items.
DBERDL | Print Document Line Items |
DBERDLB | Reference of a Print Doc. Line Item to a Bill.Doc. Line Item |
DBERDR | DB Table: Discount Lines - Print Document |
DBERDTAX | Tax Indicator Information for a Print Document |
DBERDU | Conversion Steps per Billing Line Item |
DBERDZ | DB Table: Individ. Lines - Print Document |
Hope its helpful
2012 Jun 06 2:34 AM
Hi Shaik Abash,
Have you checked table DBERDLB ? Because all print document line item will be strored in different tables not in single the table. Please find the below tables for print document line items.
DBERDL | Print Document Line Items |
DBERDLB | Reference of a Print Doc. Line Item to a Bill.Doc. Line Item |
DBERDR | DB Table: Discount Lines - Print Document |
DBERDTAX | Tax Indicator Information for a Print Document |
DBERDU | Conversion Steps per Billing Line Item |
DBERDZ | DB Table: Individ. Lines - Print Document |
Hope its helpful
2012 Jun 06 4:19 AM
Hi Rajesh,
Thank you for quick response,I checked in DBERDLB table also but not coming only one special combination ,why few main/sub combination not coming in that particular table few transaction coming in that particular table.I want to store all the values in single table is it possible? Please help on this i will give you full points.
2012 Jun 06 4:37 AM
Hi Shaik Abash,
Please check below SPRO customizing setting for your Main/Sub.
SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Invoicing -> Invoice Processing-> Item Selection in Invoicing -> Item Selection in Account Maintenance / Define Sub Items.
If you dont maintain your Main/Sub in the above path, you manual posting item will not be picked up during invoicing. If it is not included in print document it will not come in any of the above tables.Please check the above configuration once.
Since it is standard SAP process, you cant store all the line items in a single table.
Hope its helpful.
2012 Jun 06 7:23 AM
Dear Rajesh,
Manual posting item picking up during invoicing but in particualr table not updated (BDERDL), it was updated in DFKKOP table.In BDERDL table not pic particular main/sub.Any other process? while saving in path i am getting below error "Entry R 6100 0011 does not exist in TFKTVO (check entry)" Plz tell me the correct way
2012 Jun 06 12:06 PM
Hi Shaik Abash,
If the main/sub is picking up during invoicing, it should be there in table DBERDL table. Can you please tell me the line item type of 6100/0011 in invoice? means how its get included in invoice like ACCINF or ACCMNT or SYNCDD etc.
2012 Jun 06 12:23 PM
Hi Rajesh,
In DBERDL table with 6100/0011 transaction getting "No table entries found for specified key" but same as in 6100/3001 combination getting invoice like ACCINF.
2012 Jun 06 12:45 PM
Hi Abash,
Are you able to see the line item with main/sub 6100/0011 in EA40(Document overview) t-code ?
2012 Jun 06 1:09 PM
No yar i am not able to see in EA40 T.code. with main./sub 6100/0011
2012 Jun 06 1:22 PM
Hi Abash,
It means the main/sub 6100/0011 is not picking up during invoicing. Can please check whether the posting amount that u have done is open or cleared ? If the amount is cleared with any debit or credit, it will not be picked up during invoicing. If the amount is open and is not getting included in the invoice means, its a problem with configuration. Please maintain the main/sub on the above SPRO path that i have mentioned earlier correctly.
2012 Jun 06 2:58 PM
Dear Rajesh,
Thanks a lot my Problem solved.Due to my Configuration.