2015 Dec 28 4:24 PM
Hi Shah, I am not able to find out a solution to update Rate Categories (EA54) by using BAPI. Can you send me some details how to use BAPI or any Methods to update Rate Categories.
Thanks in advance for your help.
2015 Dec 29 7:45 AM
Standard uses this. ISU_S_RATE_CAT_CHANGE
Hope this helps.
2016 Jan 26 7:11 PM
I am looking for a BAPI or FM to update the Rate Category FACTS ..
Similar to installation Facts update 'BAPI_UTILINSTALLATION_CHANFACT'
2016 Jan 27 10:00 AM
Hi Roy,
As far as I know there is no straight forward BAPI (like that of Installation Facts update) to change the facts at Rate Category level (I may be wrong here) as changes to these are very rare depending on your Billing Master Data set-up.
But if you still need, then you have to create a custom program/FM within your business process which uses the below standard FMs:
I would suggest you to re-visit your requirements as to why you need BAPI to change Rate Category Facts so frequently, you can achieve through Installation Facts may be.
2016 Jan 27 4:38 PM
Srini, The update to the rate category facts is due to the applicability of the charges to approximately 150+ contracts. To update the 59+ operands to the 150+ installation facts in the event there was an error would pose a larger issue. Already we have tried with ISU_RATE_CAT_FACTS_MAINTAIN .. It's not working. Thanks for your valuable inputs. Roy
2016 Feb 04 9:27 PM
Hi Joseph,
If it is a one time update and not if not a very large volume, try using an LSMW - BDC that way you dont have to get into the intricacies of coding (FM logic, etc)