2016 Jun 22 11:01 AM
While creating Register Group the system is giving a dump "Maintain system parameter table TE270". If anybody can help me with this.
2016 Jun 22 1:19 PM
Did you try to maintain the table? You need to have an entry in the table, regardless if any options are chosen.
2016 Jun 22 7:03 PM
You can maintain it through Tcode SM30.
For example, you can check on the "Uninstall Devices" checkbox and save.
2016 Jun 23 4:59 AM
Thanks a lot Mr.Eastman & Mr.Martin!
I tried the same but now the dump changed to, "Maintain system parameter table TE270EGERR". On maintaining the same the problem was resolved.
2016 Jun 23 1:48 PM
Dear Shubham,
Assign 'I' equipment category for device info records by maintaining TE270EGERR through SM31 or SPRO.
Then, your problem will be solved.
Eren Adak