2011 Jan 25 4:41 PM
Hi Experts,
We need to address one requirement in which - customer sees information about pldge donation on a regular utility bill/invoice. He/she sends enrollment form to utility company (with invoice amount + donation amount [donation amt for first month only] check attached). We need to updated this information in our database then we need to charge that customer evey month for that fixed amount (so we need to send him invoice of = donation amount + his regular invoice amount). Whats the best way to address this requirement? I believe it involves some SAP customization. I would like to know what is the best approach to solve this problem.
Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks.
Kind Regards,
2011 Jan 25 4:46 PM
Can I go for new installation facts? so that it will help to maintain history + expiration date.
2011 Jan 26 10:35 PM
I suppose that facts could be used to accomplish your requirements. I would use customer include to have data at either account or partner level, and then use that information during invoicing to generate the postings. It would be cleaner, enable you to post statistically, and make it easier to view and change the customer setting.
2011 Jan 27 12:25 AM
Thanks Bill. Your confirmation helps alot. I will keep this question open for few more days just to find out if anyone following any other approach.
2011 Jan 27 12:30 AM
Hi Nikhil,
Elaborating on William's post, you can store this pledge donation amount at the contract level.
You need to create a custom table containing the following-
(a) Charge Code
(b) Charge text
(c) Amount\bill
(d)Vaild from\valid to
You need to enhance the screen exit EMDK0001, so that it gets reflected in the contract screen.
During invoice posting,event R402 is called and it will check whether any pledge donation amount is assigned against the contract or not. If yes, it will post a FICA document.These will then appear on the customers invoice as a separate line item.
Hope it helps
2011 Feb 04 2:57 PM
Hi Amlan/Bill,
Thanks for your response.
I found about recurring payments:
and SAP Standing Order:
Can I use this SAP functionality to solve my problem? Cause in this case I can reverse those charges easily even if customer miss his donation payments.
Kind Regards,
2011 Feb 05 3:50 PM
Those functions might meet some of the requirements - if they were part of FICA solution but are not. FICA has some similar functionalities {standing request, and payment methods} but have drawbacks that would make them much less appropriate for the task. I think that the usage of event R402, in combination with flag(s) at the account or contract level is the best approach, with the most flexibility. That approach will enable display/maintenance in CRM via standard obejcts, whereas the other approaches you have mentioned would require custom build to provide access.
2011 Feb 06 11:39 PM
Hi Nikhil,
Recurring payments and SAP standing order are different functionalities and I dont think they match with the requirements that you have.
The cleanest approach will be what I and William has proposed in our previous posts...
Anyways, you can reverse the donation charges, in this approach, as using event R402 you can create a seperate line item for the same along with the invoice and if required can reverse them as well.
2011 Feb 07 5:55 AM
Thanks for your help. As per your suggestion event R402 way is more easy and clean. Closing this thread now.
2011 Aug 31 5:57 PM
Also check the following notes (worst case scenario for old SAP versions) :-
a) 598491
b) 652908
c) 798465
Because you cannot use the FI-CA reversal FP08 to reverse a document created for event R402 in the invoicing. The system returns error message EB 049: "Document &1 with origin &2 cannot be reversed". This is a program error and can be resolved using above notes.