2014 Aug 22 1:14 PM
Can anyone explain why is there a lock on MRU and Portion in the production system but not in development? Can it be removed?
2014 Aug 22 1:24 PM
Hi Kunal,
Generate the schedule record for the Portion and MRU via txn EA43.
It will resolve your issue.
2014 Aug 28 12:11 PM
Hi Anurag,
the issue is not related to generation of schedule records. I want to know what it means for the lock appearing on a portion or MRU? What does it signify?
Also why is it only in the production system and not in the development system?
2014 Aug 30 5:32 AM
Hi Kunal,
The lock will appear in production system only as the standard logic checks for production client before showing up the lock.
CHECK g_clnt_prod = 'P'.
Lock Icon on Portion:
Following two FMs are used to determine whether the locked icon is to be displayed or not
Simply put forward, if portion is being used for an ISU contract(EVER) or is associated with any MRU(TE422) lock icon will be displayed.
Lock Icon on MRU
It check in table EANLH(Install.Time Slice) with the following condition bis >= sy-datum AND ableinh = te422-termschl.If record is found, then the lock icon is displayed.
Simply put forward, if MRU is being used up in any ISU installation as on system date, the MRU lock will be displayed.
About, removing the icons, it checks for business function ISU_UTIL_1 to be active for the system. If not, the lock is not displayed in production environment .
I hope, this clarifies you doubt.