2011 Sep 14 8:21 PM
I would like to obtain the details from the Print Documents, but do not know the table name. The system states ERDZ but that is a structure. I specifically am trying to obtain the hvorg/tvorg (main/sub) from the Print document detail line items.
Thank you.
2011 Sep 14 9:34 PM
Main and sub transaction for each individual line item on the print document is stored in the print document line items table, which is DBERDL.
2011 Sep 14 9:34 PM
Main and sub transaction for each individual line item on the print document is stored in the print document line items table, which is DBERDL.
2011 Sep 14 9:37 PM
Resolved, but actually needed the billDoc Sub transactions, so am using table DBERDLB. Thank you.
2011 Sep 14 9:44 PM
You can get bill doc sub transactions from dberchz1 table. You can get the reference of a print document line item to a billing document line item from the table DBERDLB.