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Loading Interval Reads: IS-U Emigall Object for loading Interval Reads

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi SAP Gurus,

We have a requirement to load13 months of historical interval reads data into Profiles. There are various approaches to acheive this. For other objects like loading Basic reads we have a EMIGALL object.

But i need to know why there is no standard SAP object for loading interval reads via EMIGALL for ELEC and GAS.

Alsi if it is not possible to load through EMIGALL can you all please suggest what would be the best approach to load 13 months of historical interval reads to Profiles in SAP EDM.

1) Through ABAP (customized ABAP code to load 13 months of reads to EDM)

2) Since we receive files for the interval reads in csv format we need to build a adapter in XI/PI to read .csv format and convert it to xml format and via XI/PI generate IDOC's and post it in SAP IS-U

If you all have any other best approach please do let me know.

Hope to get quick suggestiongs from all the IS-U gurus.




Former Member
0 Kudos

Have you thought about creating a BDC object in Emigall? It's really easy to create one, and there's good documentation on creating one in the User Handbook in Emigall. I was a bit intimidated by the thought of creating a new one until I actually did it, and realized SAP makes it really simple (for simple transactions, of course).

The only problem I've had with it is that in some transactions it won't allow you to use KSM for the processing type, you have to actually have the SAP key. And the error message that you get makes it sound like the transaction itself can't be loaded with the BDC, when really it just doesn't know what to do with the KSM processing type.

Hope this helps.


0 Kudos


Have you actually created a BDC object for loading the interval reads? I have millions of data to load. For Electricity the interval length is 15 minutes and since i am loading 13 months of data there is around 32 GB of data i will be loading into the profiles only for electricity. For GAS i would ben additional data.

I know BDC has some limitations with the number of records you can pass in the file. Can you please let me know if you actually tried loading the interval reads data through BDC and if yes how many records you tried loading?



0 Kudos

Hi Mayuresh

The BDC has also a much worse throughput, because of the screen processing.

This is one of the reasons, why there's actually an IS-U data migation workbench.

With your data volume it is essential, that you spilt it up into smaller portions for two reasons:

1. Parallel processing

2. Throughput degradation for long running loads (see also SAP recommendation ot limit the file to 20,000(?) objects)

Did you investigate if there's an internal SAP functions that can create the EDM meter readings, similar to the SAP service functions like ISU_S_INSTLN_CREATE?

If you find one of those, you can create your own IS-U data migration object.

I'll let you know if I can find one later today or tomorrow.



0 Kudos

No, I haven't had to do one for interval reads.

Is it possible that you could just use the MeterRead object? I don't know if it would handle it the way you want it to, but there is a time field in there.

0 Kudos


The 'Meter Read' object in EMIGALL is used for loading Basic Meter reads and not for Interval reads.

I guess there is no EMIGALL object that loads Interval Meter reads as such because we can receive 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min intreval reads for Electricity and again various possible for Gas. It would be difficult to have these fields and timestamps to be maintained in EMIGALL.

example: Say for Profile 100 which is a Measured Electricity Profile we receive 15 minutes interval reads data for 26/07/2010:

Date Time Read

26/07/2010 00:00:00 10

26/07/2010 00:15:00 20

26/07/2010 00:30:00 30

26/07/2010 00:45:00 40

26/07/2010 01:00:00 50

and so on.......

In total we will have 96 reads received per day and these will be difficult to capture in EMIGALL. Hence i think there is no standard SAP EMIGALL object for loading interval reads.

Please note there is one standard SAP transaction 'EEDMIMP0' to upload Profile Values (Interval Reads) through PoD and i tried loading one file but it didn't worked for me. Can anyone please help me with this transaction if they have used this.

There is one standard BAPI to handle this called 'BAPI_ISUPROFILE_UPLOAD' and this could be acheived by using this BAPI. I havent tried this but i need to do that.

Please do let me know if anyone comes accross any other solution.

