2013 Aug 28 7:26 PM
I have a program with data being fetched from tables such as equz, egers, egerh. I want to add logic to fetch data from these tables based on company code. But I am not sure how to link BUKRS(Company code) and fields in this table as I can't see BUKRS in any of these tables.
Kindly share your valuable inputs.
2013 Aug 28 9:14 PM
You could try to determine it based on the maintenance plant which should be assigned to a company code.
2013 Aug 28 9:14 PM
2013 Aug 28 9:30 PM
Thanks a lot for your immediate reply. Might be a basic question. But I am not much aware of IS U table structures. Can you provide me with details about table name to link equipment, ccode & plant.
2013 Aug 28 11:00 PM
It is not ISU config. It is enterprise structure - i am not aware of the table names but you can find it via the IMG.
2013 Aug 29 12:03 AM
Thanks for your reply William. Being a pure techie, I am unsure about where to find this info from IMG or get the correct tables. If someone can give some pointers about table names it would be too helpful. I am sorry for asking more details in this regard.
2013 Aug 29 4:23 AM
Look under Enterprise structure - it is one of the first entries in the IMG. You can even use the search function
2013 Aug 29 12:04 PM
Hi Aspire,
I don't think you will find the fields Company Code, Plant and Equipment in one single IS-U table.
The link b/w Company Code and plant can be find in table T001K, where as link b/w Plant and Equipment can be find in table EQUI.
Alternatively, you can use FM BAPI_EQUI_GETDETAIL to find the Plant details and then use it for finding the company Code.
Hope it helps..
2013 Aug 29 2:30 PM
Thanks a ton for your reply. Exactly as per your inputs I could link equipment, plant & ccode as below,
EQUZ-IWERK = T001K-BWKEY --> (Plant)
We can fetch company code from T001K-BUKRS