2013 Nov 08 3:42 PM
I need to find the link between the table DFKKOP and DFKKZP. Actually I need to develop a report in which open items and payments will be shown. I am trying SQVI joins between them but did not found anything concrete yet.
2013 Nov 08 4:54 PM
Hello Ozair,
what exactly are you trying to do ?
There is a direct link between the 2 tables on the OPBEL.
2013 Nov 09 11:10 PM
Hi Ozair,
I think a join b/w DFKKOP and DFKKZP will not help in your goal to achieve a report for OIs and payments.
I would recommend you to use Standard report FPO4 for your purpose.
This report has flexibility to produce OI's at a key date for a given set of BP's/CA's/Contract.
Also you can perform the aging analysis for the OI's as well.
Hope it helps...
2013 Nov 12 4:41 AM
Hi Ozair,
Using report FPO4 would be the best way to identify open items.
However if you want to create a custom report to extract open debit/payment items you can leverage below standard function modules:
2013 Dec 05 9:15 AM
Hi All,
Actually I completed my report by connection ERDK and DFKKOP as clearing status and clearing is there in dfkkop.