2014 May 12 3:57 PM
Hi Friends,
I have scheduled a Job through Job Container FKJOXTR with Job Type "G1 Integration FI/COPA". I have customized the event 1906 so that the TCODE FPG1M gets executed. Inorder to close the Reconcillation Key event 943 is cutomized.
Here the Job Type should be K2 or G1
For reason unknown Event 943 is not triggered. I have set a break point in FM- FKK_FUNC_MODULE_DETERMINE inorder to look the events which were triggered in this Process.
They are respectively, 1906, 1777, 1795, 1796 and 970 are triggered and not 943.
Please throw some light on this.
Thanks in advance!
2014 May 13 7:25 AM
Hi Lakshmi,
I don't know the reason behind scheduling the job through job container for transferring the reconciliation key in to FI. However, if your only requirement is to transfer the reconciliation key in to FI, then create a batch job through SM36.
In the Step-1, put the program name as RFKKFIKEYCLOSE, with a preferred variant.
In the Step-2, put the program name as RFKKGL00, with a preferred variant.
Schedule this batch job everyday on a specific time based on the business requirement.
So this will first (Step-1), close all the reco. keys based on the variant. Once its completed, step 2 gets executed automatically, and transfers the reconciliation key in to FI.
Hope it helps...
2014 May 13 7:25 AM
Hi Lakshmi,
I don't know the reason behind scheduling the job through job container for transferring the reconciliation key in to FI. However, if your only requirement is to transfer the reconciliation key in to FI, then create a batch job through SM36.
In the Step-1, put the program name as RFKKFIKEYCLOSE, with a preferred variant.
In the Step-2, put the program name as RFKKGL00, with a preferred variant.
Schedule this batch job everyday on a specific time based on the business requirement.
So this will first (Step-1), close all the reco. keys based on the variant. Once its completed, step 2 gets executed automatically, and transfers the reconciliation key in to FI.
Hope it helps...
2014 May 13 12:42 PM
Hi Amlan,
Thanks for your feedback. This Job was scheduled through Job Container by some one else. Know I had a close behind the Process.
In the event 943, Program RFKKFIKEYCLOSE was closed to close the reconcillation key and thereafter tcode FPG1M was called to Transfer the Posts into FI. So I have no idea why it is not running as expected. I assume that the event 943 is not closed during the transfer of Posts into FI as it is not stopping there.
Is there any other event where I can take care of closing Reconcillation keys. Perhaps 941 or ?
2014 May 14 2:38 AM
Hi Lakshmi,
Event 943 is linked to transaction FPG1M, where in SAP has given the flexibility to execute the general ledger transfer of reconciliation keys from FI-CA up to a specific posting date only.
This event that is called during the interval processing of transaction FPG1M. Here, you can set a date (DATBIS) up to which the summary records of the reconciliation keys are transferred to the general ledger.
I am not sure about the issue that you are facing-is it with the closing of the reconciliation keys or with the transfer of reconciliation keys in to FI.
Closing reconciliation keys is a standard functionality and you can take the reco. keys and execute them in transaction FPG4 to check if there are any issue.
Similarly, if you are facing issues in the transfer to FI, then you can check the reason in the application logs for the FPG1M job.
Hope it helps...
2014 May 14 4:30 PM
Hi Amlan,
Thanks for your reply.
I have encountered no problem while closing the reconcillation keys using FPG4 and Transfer of Items using FPG1.
But through Job Container event 943 is not called in debugging eventhough all recon keys were closed, (I assume that this event is called after the tcode FPG1M is triggered, so perhaps debugging Job is not possible.)
After the execution of my Job recon keys are closed but not all of them are transferred to FI. In FPG1M-Additional Info. It has info only regarding the keys which were transferred and has no info why others are not transferrred or the errors behind them.
I have no idea why few recon keys were not transferred. Now I tried by waiting 60 seconds after the execution of program RFKKFIKEYCLOSE assuming that system has tried to do transfer with FPG1M before even finishing with closing of recon keys
2014 Jul 14 8:34 AM
In the Job which was planned through Job container calls the Tcode FPG1M and inturn calls event 943 to close reconcillation key.
For the Problem that I have for reason unkonwn intervals are not created properly. So few recons are not closed and transfered. Inorder to resolve it a new Variant is created with intervals size as 1 to ensure that all the reconcs are considered.