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ITOB table

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear experts,

Can any help me in understanding why there are so many line items in ITOB table for a single equipment number.

in my case a single equipment number has 1.7 million entries.




Former Member
0 Kudos

If you look at it, you will notice that it is a join of several tables with the equipment table EQUI. Each of the joined tables can have multiple records for any given equipment number. For example, EQUZ is the time sliced information about the equipment, so depending on how many time slices exist for one equipment, you will have that many rows.

0 Kudos

Dear Advani,

Thanks for your reply. I agree to your point, it can contain that many rows as number of time slice, but how could a single equipment can contain 1.7 million line items. We have definitely never changed the characteristics of this equipment number this many times. More over i ran a table analysis of this table through TAANA and the job is still running after 12 hrs.

One more point to add when i view the content of this table i am able to scroll horizontally. but for other talbes like EABL , EQUI , i can do that..

It seems system is behaving abnormally. Can i raise OSS for the same. Please advice.

