2014 Feb 05 1:01 PM
I have a requirement where,
price2 is used to evaluate quantity1, generating amount2.
Price2 already contains price1 + other prices.
I want to generate a line item, which gives the result of evaluating quantity1 with price1, generating amount1.
I used quanti01, to multiply price1 & quantity1, resulting in amount1. I changed the line to 'not relevant to posting' in the billing schema. But the net amount generates (amount1) is getting added to the final amount of the billing.
I want amount1 to genrate a line item that is just used for information purposes and not for final amount calculation.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
price1 = $ 2
price2 = $ 3
quantity1 = 1000
I have line that will be posted, 3 * 1000 = 3000
I need to generate a line for reporting and info purposes that contains 2 * 1000 = 2000.
2014 Feb 05 2:46 PM
Hi Joshua,
I guess you have done the correct configuration but if the line item is not relevant to posting then it should not post any amount.
However I am giving you the demo rate steps for above requirement:
Quanti01 Price 1 * Quanatity 1 = Amount 1 (not relevant to posting)
Quanti 01 Price 2 * Quantity = Amount 2 (Relevant to posting)
Pleaese let me know the exact requirement if it is not working properly.