2014 Sep 10 2:22 PM
Hello Experts,
We are using Service Management component - Notification for addressing customer requests.
However, I would like to know whether we have any config setting to pull IS-U specific fields like Connection Object, Installations etc. in Service notification as reference object.
When IS-U node is activated, I can se in IW58 the fields for those already visible. But while creating notification I am not able to get these fields as reference object.
IMG setting in notification node doesn't have these settings. Let me know how can I set in config so that reference object as connection object, installation will visible to me in notifications.
2014 Sep 10 2:41 PM
In Service Notification you can use Device and Device Category as ISU reference object.
2014 Sep 10 2:53 PM
Thanks LN,
I could not find out where to config so that Device and Device Category is visible in service notification.
Could you please let me know this.
2014 Sep 13 5:11 AM
Go to Plant Maintenance and Customer Service in IMG and you will find Notification configuration to activate required fields.
2014 Sep 14 7:30 AM
Hello LN,
This node I know, but no such options available to chose from.