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ISU - Display of security deposit in CIC0 transaction

Former Member
0 Kudos


I am deploying the standard process of deposit requests' managing (by transaction FPSEC1/2/3). One of the the requirement is that these deposit requests should be available in the transaction CIC0 (in ISu system and not CRM system)  under each concerned contract account. Here is below the beginning of my investigation

1) Description of the current customization

Transaction ENVD: Customization of CIC0 transaction:

By this transaction, I can see all the objects which can be displayed on CIC0. On our system, we have defined a view on which ISU print documents and SD orders are displayed (sorry some labels are in French):

On the action profile, you can define actions to be executed when the user is double-clicking on the reference number. As an example, for SD order, we have this customization:

So when the user is double-clicking on a SD order reference number, the system is calling the method Display of the object type ISUSDORDER.

2) Description of the new requirement

The Key users would like to display also Deposit requests in CIC0 transaction. Deposit requests are managed by transactions FPSEC1/2/3. They would like especially to display the archived correspondence (PDF forms whci are stored in our archive environment). I have found the concerned object type and concerned method to use in order to display these archived correspondences.

But now my problem is that I can’t find any standard object on transaction ENVD which can be linked to deposit requests. Do you know if it’s possible to take a non-used object and use it to display deposit request? I can see especially these two objects which seems to be like user exit to use to display objects not contained in the standard behaviour. But I have no idea which customization I have to do to use them. Can someone help me ?

Or o you know another solution to have deposit request displayed in CIC0 transaction? Thanks



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Vincent,

Have you tried the object type CASECURITY?

This is the standard Object used for FI-CA security Deposits.

Hope it helps..



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan

Thanks a lot for your answer.

I have already found this standard object CASESECURITY in the BOR browser (SWO1). The problem is not the choice of the BOR, but my problem is that I can't find any way to display the deposit requests in the transaction CIC0 as I can do for print documents and sales orders. Once I have found the way, I think I won't have any problem to display the PDF documents by using the object CASESECURITY.

