2015 Aug 25 9:34 PM
I implemented ISU_DET_DEVICE_FROM_INST in the program to read all of the meters that are linked to the BP. The customer accounts coordinator wants to have the report to read all of the meters readings from the BP and from the old meters that have been changed out.
Error analysis
An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPE', was
not caught in procedure "GRID_DISPLAY" "(FORM)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING clause.
Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
The reason for the exception is:
The call to the function module "ISU_DET_DEVICE_FROM_INST" is incorrect:
The function module interface allows you to specify only
fields of a particular type under "X_KEYDATE".
The field "'01/01/1900'" specified here is a different
field type
I used this in the program and after this it's been giving me errors. Thanks.
DATA: xy_lt_ger TYPE isu07_twd_gertab_t.
x_anlage = eastl-anlage
x_keydate = '01/01/1900'
xy_t_ger = xy_lt_ger
not_found = 1
internal_error = 2
system_error = 3
2015 Aug 25 9:57 PM
Your x_keydate is the wrong format. I also suggest you refer this type of question in a general abap forum since its not really a utilities question, its a how do I abap question.
2015 Aug 25 9:57 PM
Your x_keydate is the wrong format. I also suggest you refer this type of question in a general abap forum since its not really a utilities question, its a how do I abap question.
2015 Aug 26 2:44 PM
Agreed - this discussion and ones like it do not belong in the utilities space. I am locking this one.