2011 Aug 02 5:19 AM
Hi All,
Is there any way in ISU Billing to check the Operands RUNTIME value?
I have completed RTP config as well as created rates but when i try to bill an installation the RTP operands configured in rates are not being passed on.
Also when i do RTP anslysis in the Billing doc i am not able to see the RTP results.
Can anyone please let me know if i am missing any step or is there any way to check my RUNTIME operands value?
2011 Aug 02 5:32 AM
Hi Mayuresh,
Please verify once your setting using the below link.
You can also check the values of the operands at runtime by using ISU_'variant prg name'('variant prg name' is the variant name which associated with the operand.)
Also you can check the calculation in the billing doc thru logical rate step # to identify what has happened for each steps.
2011 Aug 02 5:55 AM
Thanks for your reply.
In my billing doc i am able to see the info lines but the operands passed from my rates are having zero value.
I am not sure why this is happening. I have correctly assigned RTP results to my operands then i used the below Rate structure-:
QUANTI14 for Peak > Passing of RTP QUANT operand value to QUANT operand
QUANTI14 for Off Peak > Passing of RTP QUANT operand value to QUANT operand
QUANTI14 for Shoulder > Passing of RTP QUANT operand value to QUANT operand
QUANTI10 -> Adding Peak, Off Peak and Shoulder QUANT operands
QUANTI01 -> Multiplying total QUANT value by QPRICE to get AMOUNT.
As i said in billing docs i see the info lines but all QUANT operands having zero value.
2011 Aug 02 7:11 AM
Hi Mayur,
As a method of problem solving I would first recommend you check whether the value from RTP is coming properly or not.
For that use the below logic and write in installation fact:
Multiply any of the RTP operand with factor 1 and then save it in installtion fact (use QUANTI09 and INFACT06 for this)
Please deactivate all the rate steps in order to check whether any of the RTP quantity is coming properly or not.
If it is not working properly then the problem lies in RTP setting. Otherwise it may the something to do with rate design.
Let us know the output.
2011 Aug 02 7:13 AM
Hi Mayur,
Please check RTP_QUANT operand configuration once.
This operand type should be type RTP operand and Operand group : REGISTERS.
In Rate facts, under REGISTERS you have to mention Valid from , Valid to , Result number and Res.param.desc for operand RTP_QUANT. Result number should be the number that you have configured in RTP interface.
example :
Operand Valid from Valid to Result number Res.param.desc
RTP_QUANT_PEAK 01.01.2000 ; 31.12.9999 ; 001 Peak
RTP_QUANT_OFFPEAK 01.01.2000 ; 31.12.9999 ; 002 OffPeak
RTP_QUANT_SHOULDER 01.01.2000 ; 31.12.9999 ; 003 Shoulder
Rate structure should be
QUANTI14 for Peak > Passing of RTP_QUANT_PEAK operand value to QUANT_PEAK operand
QUANTI14 for Off Peak > Passing of RTP_QUANT_OFFPEAK operand value to QUANT_OFFPEAK operand
QUANTI14 for Shoulder > Passing of RTP_QUANT_SHOULDER operand value to QUANT_SHOULDER operand
QUANTI10 -> Adding Peak, Off Peak and Shoulder QUANT operands
QUANTI01 -> Multiplying total QUANT value by QPRICE to get AMOUNT.
Hope it helps...
Edited by: Rajesh Gumpena on Aug 2, 2011 11:46 AM
2011 Aug 02 12:52 PM
Hi All,
Thanks for your reply. I have identified my previous issue and fixed my RTP interface.
When now when i trying to simulate bill i am getting the below error-:
"Error X_WRTPOUT-ICODES in ISU_RTP_RTPRESVAL_CREATE when accessing RTP component EV_ENE_5D period 20110630140000"
Can you please guide me to as what this error is exactly about and how can i resolve this.
2011 Aug 02 1:48 PM
Hi Mayur,
I believe the problem is with the rate fact where you need to maintain certain operands which are capable of recieving the ouput data from EDM.
Please check the output parameter of RTP component which is activated in the mentioned interface have the corresponding operands in rate fact or not.
2011 Aug 02 2:44 PM
I checked the operands that are to be maintained with RTP results and all looks good to me but still i am getting this error.
I have 3 operands at rate facts level containing the RTP result codes-:
1) Peak operand - 001
2) Off Peak operand - 002 and
3) Shoulder operand - 003
Below is my RTP interface structure-:
Off Peak (9pm to 9am)
Peak (9 am to 12pm and 4pm to 9pm)
Shoulder (12pm to 4pm)
Off Peak (9pm to 9am)
Peak (9 am to 12pm and 4pm to 9pm)
Shoulder (12pm to 4pm)
Off Peak (9pm to 9am)
Peak (9 am to 12pm and 4pm to 9pm)
Shoulder (12pm to 4pm)
Off Peak (9pm to 9am)
Peak (9 am to 12pm and 4pm to 9pm)
Shoulder (12pm to 4pm)
Please let me know the reason why i am getting the above error mentioned as i am not able to identify the correct reason.
2011 Aug 03 9:21 AM
Hi Mayur,
FM ISU_RTP_RTPRESVAL_CREATE is called at time of RTP interface processing. I would strongly recommend you verify the RTP inerface settings once again from the above url.
Also I do not thing you really need to have season seggregation as the TOUs are same for both the seasons. Day and TOU Nodes are sufficient.
2011 Aug 08 3:32 PM
Hi Mayur,
Please check whether you have generated the RTP component codes, after configuring it.
2014 Jun 25 11:14 AM
Hi Mayuresh ,
I have a similar situation. My issue is the quantities are all transferred when the meter readings are estimated (03). When the meter readings are actual(01), the Peak quantity is not transferred.
Do you know about this problem? How did you resolve?
2011 Aug 12 5:37 AM
Hi Mayuresh,
Try checking the operand configuration in the rate.
In rate facts, the RTP operand should be specified with result number so as to get the value from EDM.